Heidi Spurrell | 6th July 2020 | 4min read

Whilst the supply of cage-free eggs is on the rise along with a number of corporate commitments to only source cage-free, globally, the majority of eggs consumed are still laid by hens who spend their lives in cramped cages. Lack of knowledge is a huge barrier to cage-free systems so Global Food Partners and Aeres University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands have teamed up to establish a training centre in Indonesia for Asian egg farmers, to ramp up knowledge and skills needed to roll out cage-free systems across Asia. With plans for another training centre in China next year (the world’s largest egg producer) this model has the potential to have a huge impact on animal welfare. Not only does this initiative provide valuable training for farmers and suppliers but it will hopefully help to bridge the gap that can arise between corporate commitments and the know-how required on the ground to actually deliver them. Get in touch for a copy of our Food Made Good Eggs toolkit to find out how you can connect with cage free egg suppliers in the region.

Click here to read more.