Heidi Spurrell | 17th February 2021 | 4min read


At our Food Made Good HK Sustainability Breakfast Series for February we asked two major players in the scene how they would approach this month’s theme of ‘Feed People Well’. Whether it’s creating a vibrant and healthy focused menu from scratch or remodelling existing dishes to use suppliers who care about animal welfare, we think our speakers are going above and beyond to make sure their diners get the best.

The secret to feeding people well, according to Fivelements Habitat’s Chef Arnaud, is to adopt the ancient advice of Hippocrates and to understand food as our medicine. Large scale studies continue to link plant-based cuisine to the reduction of heart disease, obesity and overweight as well as type 2 diabetes. Realising that our health is intrinsically linked to the food we consume, it’s easy to see why Arnaud pays attention to the details.


Speaking at the Food Made Good Sustainability Breakfast event, ‘Feeding People Well’, warmly hosted at Classified’s Tai Hang outlet, Chef Arnaud explained that whole, plant-based cuisine forms the ethos behind his menu creation at Fivelements Habitat, creating a natural balance of ingredients that deliver bright food; always cooked from scratch. Refined foods, alcohol and sodas are purposefully avoided and replaced with nutrient dense superfoods and a homemade beverage menu, including fresh vegetable juices and Ayurvedic combinations, made to order. Their golden milk drink which includes black pepper and turmeric, is well known for its anti-inflammatory and heightened digestibility qualities. ‘Digestibility is another crucial factor,’ states Hauchon, since he and his team also aim to maximise gut health and optimise microbial balance by including activated seeds, mushrooms and cultured and fermented ingredients on the menu.

Culinary Director for Miramar Group Hong Kong, Sheldon Fonseca, further encouraged the audience to reflect on the quality of the food we consume, by considering the production of the humble hen’s egg – promoting the importance of sourcing cage-free. “Although eggs are our cheapest form of protein, not all eggs are created equal, says Fonseca.” Whilst organic and free range eggs are also bursting with vitamins and minerals, caged eggs are thirty five times more likely to carry the bacteria salmonella. These nutritional facts may not be surprising if we consider that free range and organic farms allow their hens better quality feed and increasing levels of access to outdoor space, so they may enjoy light and air and express natural behaviours such as foraging and dust bathing. In contrast, caged hens are subjected to tight overcrowding, limited space, often shockingly reduced to the size of just one sheet of A4 paper, with cages frequently left soiled by the hens own waste. Companies and brands seeking to respond to growing consumer concern for animal welfare, by distancing themselves from such practices and demonstrating a positive brand commitment to food quality, may take simple steps to work with suppliers and transition towards cage free, free range or best of all, organic eggs.

Both speakers shared encouraging messages to members seeking to advance how they feed people well. ‘By finding the right company balance and then the right support, it is possible to start small – perhaps with cage-free breakfasts for example and then explore further to discover what is feasible’ says Sheldon. At Fivelements Habitat the aim is to minimise distraction to gently reconnect people with their food, by bringing their attention to their plate. No doubt it is easier for customers to eat well if they are eating mindfully. Ultimately, according to Chef Arnaud when health is the objective, it makes it easier for an organisation to do the right thing.’

With the support of our valuable sponsor Eat the Kiwi, we were also delighted to launch our updated cage-free egg toolkit at this month’s Meet-Up! Check out our short animated version by clicking here, and Food Made Good Members can get the full version on the Community. Check out the video here.


The Sustainability Meet-Up Series is a monthly gathering designed to educate and empower the Hong Kong foodservice community. Serving chefs, restaurateurs, FOH, BOH, suppliers, and sustainability leads.
Inspired by our framework, the programme is curated to inspire the community, providing novel ways through which they can bring in small but significant changes to their sourcing choices, menu design, and supplies. We will be organising talks delivered by sustainable food industry leaders, on various themes linked to UN International Days and our three pillars – Sourcing, Society & the Environment.
Don’t forget to look out for our next Sustainability Breakfast Series March 9th 2021 Environment: Value Natural Resources.