Our work



As the lead sponsor of the Food Made Good HK Awards and sponsors of an ongoing tenant engagement programme, including sustainability audits and carbon labelling of menus, we have reinforced Henderson Land Group’s commitments to sustainability and contributed to elevating their position as the landlord voice on food sustainability issues.

Henderson Land Group’s support for the third year shows consistency and continuity in their messaging, highlighting the importance of sustainability and its implementation.

474000 Awards related social media reach
3 Strategy Workshops
13 Tenants Audited

Our Work

Henderson Land Group – our partner for sustainable F&B engagement


Corporate Communications wanted to sponsor a credible sustainable food initiative to better engage with tenants and enhance the brand’s position as pioneers in sustainability.


Tenant engagement

  • Delivered sustainability training to selected tenants at H Code, H Queen’s, 18 On Lan
  • A Food Made Good adapted tenant audit carried out for 13 tenants
  • 13 reports created including an overview report for landlord
  • Collectively identified challenges and solutions to take forward
  • Used our Carbon menu labelling programme
  • Press coverage designed and curated for pilot group of restaurants
  • Awards lead sponsor

Tools we used include:
Behaviour change models to test if programmes influence diner behaviour
Prioritisation workshops
Decision making workshops

Get in touch

As a purpose-led, B Corp-accredited consultancy, we can help you build a ‘green’ competitive advantage by transforming your business from within.

Are you a landlord looking to engage your tenants? Let us help your company move to an advantageous sustainability position.

Connect with Us:

Contact Us: Got questions or ideas? Email us at hello@futuregreen.global.

Together, we’re not just talking about a sustainable future; we’re building it. Let’s make every meal a story worth telling.

Stay green, stay inspired.

Future Green Team

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